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The Merge Sort Algorithm

December 20, 2015

The next algorithm in the divide-and-conquer design paradigm chapter the book examines is the merge sort algorithm. Sorting problems are suitable for using the divide-and-conquer design paradigm: given an array of numbers a[i...n], return a sorted version of a. These are the steps taken by the merge sort algorithm to sort an array of numbers:

  • Split the array into two halves
  • Recursively sort each half
  • Merge the two sorted arrays

The correctness of the merge sort algorithm is self-evident as long as a proper merge subroutine is implemented. But how can we merge two subarrays x and y into a single sorted array z? The method the author proposes is by looking at the very first index of each subarray, x[1] and y[1], and whichever one is the smallest will be the very first element of the sorted array z. The rest of z can then be built recursively.

To analyze the running time of merge sort algorithm, we can take a look at the relation of a/b^d presented by the master method (where a = # recursive calls, b = branching factor, d = exponent of the combine step running time), a would be equal to 2, b = 2, and d = 1, which will lead to a/b^d = 1, and that corresponds to a running time of O(nlogn). In other words, the rate of work shrinkage per subproblem is equal to the rate of subproblem proliferation (same amount of work at each level of the recursion tree).


function mergesort(a[1 . . . n])
  Input: An array of numbers a[1 . . . n]
  Output: A sorted version of this array

  if n > 1:
    return merge(mergesort(a[1 . . . bn/2c]), mergesort(a[bn/2c + 1 . . . n]))
    return a

function merge(x[1 . . . k], y[1 . . . l])
  if k = 0: return y[1 . . . l]
  if l = 0: return x[1 . . . k]
  if x[1] ≤ y[1]:
    return x[1] ◦ merge(x[2 . . . k], y[1 . . . l])
    return y[1] ◦ merge(x[1 . . . k], y[2 . . . l])


class MergeSort
  # Sorts an array using the merge sort algorithm
  def sort(arr)
    length = arr.length
    if length > 1
      mid = (length/2).floor
      return merge(sort(arr[0..(mid - 1)]), sort(arr[mid..length]))
      return arr


  # Merges two array in sorted order
  def merge(left, right)
    if left.empty?
      return right
    elsif right.empty?
      return left
    elsif left.first < right.first
      return [left.first].concat(merge(left.drop(1), right))
      return [right.first].concat(merge(left, right.drop(1)))


require 'minitest/autorun'
require './merge_sort'

describe MergeSort do
  before do
    @merge_sort =

  describe "#sort" do
    it "should sort an array of 1 element" do
      assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([1]), [1])

    it "should sort an array of multiple elements" do
      assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([5, 2, 7, 8, 9, 3]),  [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9])

    it "should sort an array of multiple elements with equal slots" do
      assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([5, 5, 1, 3, 3, 7]),  [1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7])

    it "should sort an array of multiple elements with negative numbers" do
      assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([-1, -4, 2, 0, -2, 7]),  [-4, -2, -1, 0, 2, 7])

    it "should sort an array of odd length" do
      assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([8, 3, 6, 2, 6, 8, 0]),  [0, 2, 3, 6, 6, 8, 8])


Just as the author explained, sorting problems immediately lend towards a divide-and-conquer approach. Next, I will be revisiting/learning more about medians, matrix multiplication, and the fast Fourier transform.