The next algorithm in the divide-and-conquer design paradigm chapter the book examines is the merge sort algorithm. Sorting problems are suitable for using the divide-and-conquer design paradigm: given an array of numbers a[i...n]
, return a sorted version of a
. These are the steps taken by the merge sort algorithm to sort an array of numbers:
- Split the array into two halves
- Recursively sort each half
- Merge the two sorted arrays
The correctness of the merge sort algorithm is self-evident as long as a proper merge subroutine is implemented. But how can we merge two subarrays x
and y
into a single sorted array z
? The method the author proposes is by looking at the very first index of each subarray, x[1]
and y[1]
, and whichever one is the smallest will be the very first element of the sorted array z
. The rest of z
can then be built recursively.
To analyze the running time of merge sort algorithm, we can take a look at the relation of a/b^d
presented by the master method (where a = # recursive calls
, b = branching factor
, d = exponent of the combine step running time
), a
would be equal to 2
, b = 2
, and d = 1
, which will lead to a/b^d = 1
, and that corresponds to a running time of O(nlogn)
. In other words, the rate of work shrinkage per subproblem is equal to the rate of subproblem proliferation (same amount of work at each level of the recursion tree).
function mergesort(a[1 . . . n])
Input: An array of numbers a[1 . . . n]
Output: A sorted version of this array
if n > 1:
return merge(mergesort(a[1 . . . bn/2c]), mergesort(a[bn/2c + 1 . . . n]))
return a
function merge(x[1 . . . k], y[1 . . . l])
if k = 0: return y[1 . . . l]
if l = 0: return x[1 . . . k]
if x[1] ≤ y[1]:
return x[1] ◦ merge(x[2 . . . k], y[1 . . . l])
return y[1] ◦ merge(x[1 . . . k], y[2 . . . l])
class MergeSort
# Sorts an array using the merge sort algorithm
def sort(arr)
length = arr.length
if length > 1
mid = (length/2).floor
return merge(sort(arr[0..(mid - 1)]), sort(arr[mid..length]))
return arr
# Merges two array in sorted order
def merge(left, right)
if left.empty?
return right
elsif right.empty?
return left
elsif left.first < right.first
return [left.first].concat(merge(left.drop(1), right))
return [right.first].concat(merge(left, right.drop(1)))
require 'minitest/autorun'
require './merge_sort'
describe MergeSort do
before do
@merge_sort =
describe "#sort" do
it "should sort an array of 1 element" do
assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([1]), [1])
it "should sort an array of multiple elements" do
assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([5, 2, 7, 8, 9, 3]), [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9])
it "should sort an array of multiple elements with equal slots" do
assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([5, 5, 1, 3, 3, 7]), [1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7])
it "should sort an array of multiple elements with negative numbers" do
assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([-1, -4, 2, 0, -2, 7]), [-4, -2, -1, 0, 2, 7])
it "should sort an array of odd length" do
assert_equal(@merge_sort.sort([8, 3, 6, 2, 6, 8, 0]), [0, 2, 3, 6, 6, 8, 8])
Just as the author explained, sorting problems immediately lend towards a divide-and-conquer approach. Next, I will be revisiting/learning more about medians, matrix multiplication, and the fast Fourier transform.